You can check some of their services in this section

From Anarchaserver

Alive projects


AnarchaServer is a "slow, friendly, no drama, experimental online and offline project" that aims at setting up different spaces to support feminist collectives in their transitional data needs and to strength the collective memory around decolonialist cyberfeminism around the world. Currently AS hosts a mediawiki for the documentation of the server and the different THF! + a WordPress farm called Zoia Horn. We talk about living data for data that needs to be available online.

We have also a virtual machine for installing specific services for transitional data such as online surveys, encrypted files, sondages. We called those data transitional because we expect people to erase the data they have produced once they do not need it.

Encrypted files sending (Jirafeau

Encrypted pastebin where the server has zero knowledge of pasted data. (Zerobin Data is encrypted/decrypted in the browser using 256 bits AES.

Standard polls and events scheduling (Open Sondage

Online surveys (LimeSurvey Only available to invited users.

Nextcloud including surveys, files storage and deck (

We have also set up an image repository for compiling an archive to make available images about HerStory (women and techniques/technologies + women in STEM and computer sciences + cyberfeminists initiatives). This is a work in progress.

Finally there is a Nekrofeminist cemetery where we honoured ffeminist websites that are not online anymore [1].

Available to general public: No - available to friends and trusted networks.

Founded: 2014

Contact mail:


La Bekka

la_bekka, el hacklab feminista de la ekka, intenta ser un espacio donde aprender en común sobre tecnología, cultura libre y feminismos. Han publicado un fanzine acerca de cómo montar una servidora feminista con una conexión casera.

Una guía para dar los primeros pasos en la administración de sistemas.

Available to general public: Depends

Founded: 2017

Contact mail: hacklabfeminista[arroba]



Cl4ndestina is a Brazilian feminist server. We currently host Wordpress websites from feminist projects and collectives based in Latin America.

Available to general public: Depends

Founded: 2017

Contact mail:



Desde la Colectiva CódigoSur nos enfocamos en promover el uso y desarrollo de tecnologías libres y la creación de espacios para el debate y aprendizaje sobre Cultura Libre con una perspectiva de genero en América Latina y el Caribe.

Nuestro trabajo se desarrolla por medio de redes de pares y de un modelo descentralizado de gestión. Creemos en la construcción de un nuevo paradigma en la generación de saberes y herramientas. Transitamos por un modelo de producción y construcción horizontal y abierto. Defendemos el derecho común a la vida, al conocimiento, a la comunicación y a la cultura. De esta manera, brindamos servicios tecnológicos libres y seguros a organizaciones, movimientos, colectivos y personas que promueven los derechos humanos, la ecología, la comunicación, la tecnología, las libertades individuales y colectivas y los procesos sociales de emancipación. A través de nuestro trabajo diario apoyamos a diversas instituciones y organizaciones sociales involucradas en el desarrollo de su comunidad y radio de acción.

Tenemos cuatro tipos de membresías en la infraestructura comunitaria que van desde la personal, radial, organizacional y global. Más información en

Available to general public: Yes

Founded: 2002

Contact mail:



MaadiX is a practical solution to protect privacy and to avoid censorship, not being dependent on the services offered by large companies, and have them running instead in our own space (e-mail, VPN, cloud, mailing lists etc etc). All the software is open source. MaadiX can be installed on servers provided by any hosting company or servers located in your own office or home. To make everything easier we also offer VPS hosting, so everything can be activated quickly with few clicks. MaadiX does not offer shared hosting. We only offer VPS with root access so people can have total control over their data and software.

Available to general public: Yes

Founded: 2016

Contact mail:


We want to launch a new space where we can make visible and publicize resources and materials, collectives and feminist organizations. we'd like to include an online catalogue of materials and resources on feminism and a directory of feminist organizations and movements around the world to generate synergies, weave networks and encourage sorority. Currently provides email accounts

Available to general public: No

Founded: 2018

Contact mail:



The server was bought by women, installed by women and is managed by women. This in itself is unusual in the tech world. There are two main aims to the project: a) a place where women can learn to be system administrators and b) hosting select services which feminist initiatives can use. The server hosts Git server ( and Mailman. We have installed Mastodonte in our server.

Available to general public: No

Founded: 2002

Contact mail: ??



To support feminists in their online activities by engaging them in learning process to improve their security and autonomy on the internet. We currently host the following online services: etherpad ( + ethercalc ( + wiki (

Contact mail:

Available to general public: Depends

Founded: 2015

Contact mail:



Feminist server based in Iceland

Website :


Feminist server based in Vienna

Website :

Closed projects

Kéfir es una cooperativa transfeminista de tecnologías libres para activistas, defensoras de derechos humanos, periodistas, organizaciones sociales, colectivos, artistas, funambulistas... Apuesta por crear juntas vecindades digitales comunitarias donde podamos sentirnos en confianza, expresarnos y accionar sin miedo. Acompañamos de una manera holística la apropiación de tecnologías digitales en procesos comunitarios: tanto desde la asesoría como en la facilitación de espacios de aprendizaje. Flujos colaborativos para grupos de trabajo, aprendizaje en línea, cuidados colectivos digitales...

Mantenemos y cuidamos infraestructura autónoma y libre en internet. Ofrecemos, a través de membresías/riegos, un ecosistema digital: cuentas y listas de correo (pueden ser cifrados), alojamiento web (CMS, sitios estáticos), estadísticas libres, archivos en línea, calendario y tareas grupales, llamadas de voz, foros de discusión & tomas de decisiones, transmisión en vivo, gestor de proyectos, plataforma de aprendizaje en línea.

Cuando cerraron publicaron una guía acerca de su migración a otros servidores. Se puede leer aquí.

Available to general public: Yes

Founded: 2013 - Closed in 2020

Contact mail:


They published a guide about migration of kefir services to other providers.

Redes Autonomas Feministas (Autonomous Feminist Networks)

It was a collaborative project between Kefir, Periféricas e Vedetas (México, Salvador e São Paulo) focused in setting up Redes Autonomas Feministas (Autonomous Feminist Networks) set up in 2016.

Website: was >

Fuxico + Feminist Pirate Box

It is an autonomous mobile device for exchange and collaboration, made to connect people present in the same physical space. Fuxico creates a network without internet connection to exchange digital contents such as images, videos, audio files, documents, bat room and conversation rods. Totally anonymous!

Available to general public: Yes

Founded: 2017

Contact mail: Carl ( - + Geisa (Periféricas) -
