Check list security for feminist servers

From Anarchaserver
Revision as of 14:53, 3 October 2020 by Spideralex (talk | contribs)

Checklist for security on a feminist server:

   Active unattended upgrades
   ufw  / allow new port ssh
   SSH server:
   Allow ssh only with key, no password PasswordAuthentication no
   Change the port / remember add ufw allow new port ssh
   Disallow login with root ( PermitRootLogin no)
   Activate fail2ban. /configura new port ssh
   things like chkrootkit rkhunter etckeeper
   Allow only TLSv 1.2 (no 1.0 y 1.1)
   For software or service installed check file permissions and allow minimal needed
   External services
   If installing mysql, mongodb, ldap etc check that only uses localhost.
   Include Security header and  CSP in vhost configuration
   Install and configure some softwares on the host : apache2 LXC
   Configure an everyday mail report sent to sysadmins
   What to log and what not
   Security for containers depending on the service