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Latest revision as of 21:51, 1 February 2023

marina ginesta


Welcome to the wiki of Anarchaserver.

Anarchaserver is a feminist server which aim is to develop autonomous infrastructure on the Internet for feminists projects. Here we provide space:

  • for documenting our work setting up and inhabiting AS and how to engage and get involved > Anarcha section
  • for documenting feminist infrastructure herstory, initiatives and events such as the TransHackFeminist Convergences (read below).

Feminist servers

If you are interested in the history of Anarchaserver and Feminists Servers visit this section. There is also a list of other feminist servers.

BAFIG Meeting Valencia

You can read the public documentation of the BAFIF Meeting in Valencia (4th of March 2018)

Open Days Femservers Calafou

You can read the public documentation of the Open days Femservers in Calafou (10 to 13th March 2018): Servidores Feministas

TransHackFeminist Convergence

The server was setup during TransHackFeminist convergence, a 7 day event that was organised for the first time in Calafou (Catalonia) in August 2014 and has been replicated in 2015 in Puebla (Mexico) and 2016 in Montreal (Quebec). In 2021, the wetlab collective organised also two days dedicated to Transhackfeminism in Hangar, Barcelona.

First THF 2014 - Calafou

  • THF2014
  • You can find documentation about the THF 2014. And you can watch the video call for of the first THF here And a video about the 7 days of the THF here

    Second THF 2015 - Mexico

    • THF2015

    A second edition was held from the 25 to the 31 of May in Puebla 2015 (Mexico). It was organised by Centro Comunitario ADA -Accion Directa Autogestiva.

    You can read the call of the THF Held in Puebla here and an article about the event here.

    You can find documentation about the THF 2015.

    Third THF 2016 - Montreal

    • THF2016

    In 2016, a third edition of the TransHackFeminist is initiated in Montreal (Quebec/Canada). You can read more on the THF Held in Montreal here: https://femhack.noblogs.org/thf-2016/

    You can find documentation about the THF 2016.

    Fanzine THF Feminist Infrastructure 2020

    Feminist Infrastructure

    Curadoria TransHackFeminismo para la M.A.M.I

    TransHackFeminismo es una curaduría que explora como esta corriente del ciberfeminismo social intentó crear puentes entre las activistas transfeministas, quienes pusieron sus conocimientos acerca de las tecnologías (todas ellas, software, hardware, wetware) al servicio de las agendas de las luchas feministas creando relaciones mutualistas o simbióticas. El TransHackFeminismo se dedicó a la construcción de imaginarios disidentes, redes de sororidad e infraestructura feminista, tambien se dedicaron a investigar y divulgar acerca de las contribuciones diversas al desarrollo y mantenimiento de las tecnologías, algo que seguía siendo muy invisibilizado al inicio del siglo 21.

    Fourth THF 2022 – Calafou

    Feminist Infrastructure Collage

    A call to all those who build Feminist Infrastructure. The TransHackFeminist Convergence will take place from 1 to 8th August 2022 in Calafou, Catalonia. The THF calls all people building Feminist Infrastructure for a self-organised, face-to-face, body-to-body meeting from the 1st to the 8th of August 2022 in Catalonia. We are an informal network of TransHackFeminists located in various parts of the world who are convening this call.

    For this THF about Feminist Infrastructure we have documented all the nodes in the website hosted in the Anarchaserver wordpress farm aka Zoia Horn. The documentation is a mix of notes taken during the session in kryptpads with additional linking to audio and/or video recording of the sessions. The audios are hosted in the media library of the website or inside the nextcloud hosted by Transitional container of Anarchaserver. The nodes that have been streamed during the THF have been recorded and stored in the systerserver peertube instance.