Open Street Map Mapping Party

From Anarchaserver
The printable version is no longer supported and may have rendering errors. Please update your browser bookmarks and please use the default browser print function instead. Maps as: 1. technical instruments, used for visualisation 2. political tools - i.e. map of freedom and restriction, showing power 3. artwork 4. social products - expert vs collaborative mapping - authoritative vs. playful OSM:

   - personal experience
   - local / tacit knowledge
   - memories
   - identities
   - belongings
   - emotions
   - ideologies
   - philosophies

OSM free software started 10 years ago by Steve Coast - social ingagement, mapping parties - humanitarian mapping - crisis mapping (mapping resources, mapping in case of disasters), OSM for accesibilities - fast updates: new shops, new countries, new city plans - MORE MAPPERS ARE NEEDED - knowledge making - observing, classifying, sorting things out, linking, socialising - mapping trees, animals, postcodes - so not copy data from google - copyright, data quality - importancy of mapping with local people - politicysing the current state of OSM: CCTV, benches, car parks, recycling, parks - WHAT'S MISSING? - MAPPING TIPS:

   - photo mapping - reference based, matching photo and camera data


   - login to
   - different editors