
From Anarchaserver
Revision as of 03:50, 19 August 2016 by Ooooo (talk | contribs)

How to keep things up to date?!

Via the graphical use interface (sftp) of the service or via the commandline (the virtual machine) access? Activating ssh by sftp (ssl) means granting 'user' access to root folder to change directories.

Guidelines: https://devtidbits.com/2011/06/29/implement-a-sftp-service-for-ubuntudebian-with-a-chrooted-isolated-file-directory/

An option could also be the hybrid: a commandline interface in Wordpress: http://wp-cli.org/

____________________________ ~Before updating! BACKUPING ~ ____________________________

Backup mysql datbases

mysqldump --all-databases -u root -p (password)