
From Anarchaserver
Revision as of 08:05, 24 May 2017 by Ooooo (talk | contribs)

How to keep things up to date in Our Living Sites?!

____________________________ ~Before updating! BACKUPING ____________________________


Backup mysql databases

sudo mysql -u root mysql> show databases; sudo mysqldump (name-database) -u root -p (password) > database.sql

Copy web folder /var/www

rsync -ah --progress -R anoia.tachanka.org:/var/www .

Export Wordpress by the gui interface


Updating the networked sites of Wordpress could be done by the graphical user interface (sftp) or via the commandline. (the virtual machine) access? Activating ssh by sftp (ssl) means granting 'user' access to root folder to change directories.

Sftp: https://devtidbits.com/2011/06/29/implement-a-sftp-service-for-ubuntudebian-with-a-chrooted-isolated-file-directory/